hv01.cork bundle (Bits)
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 7.112 Kbits | 6.448 Kbits | 6.368 Kbits | ||||
Out | 101.440 Kbits | 71.376 Kbits | 71.520 Kbits |
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 8.120 Kbits | 6.566 Kbits | 6.368 Kbits | ||||
Out | 101.440 Kbits | 60.830 Kbits | 71.520 Kbits |
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 12.488 Kbits | 6.608 Kbits | 6.368 Kbits | ||||
Out | 459.808 Kbits | 49.073 Kbits | 71.520 Kbits |
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 115.683 Mbits | 14.844 Kbits | 6.368 Kbits | ||||
Out | 115.717 Mbits | 53.829 Kbits | 71.520 Kbits |
Core bundle graphs shows traffic between our switches - this can between inter-switch links
between switches within the same facility or between switches connecting facilities together.
More details in the documentation.