Day Graph
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 113.452 Gbits | 76.561 Gbits | 66.742 Gbits | ||||
Out | 233.985 Gbits | 139.920 Gbits | 134.713 Gbits |
Week Graph
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 133.183 Gbits | 70.744 Gbits | 66.742 Gbits | ||||
Out | 246.380 Gbits | 125.418 Gbits | 134.713 Gbits |
Month Graph
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 154.823 Gbits | 71.039 Gbits | 66.742 Gbits | ||||
Out | 264.510 Gbits | 128.356 Gbits | 134.713 Gbits |
Year Graph
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 206.516 Gbits | 67.953 Gbits | 66.742 Gbits | ||||
Out | 447.780 Gbits | 163.798 Gbits | 134.713 Gbits |
Facility graphs show traffic exchanged that originates and/or terminates in a given facility.
It does not include traffic passing through facility. You can see inter-facility
traffic via the Inter-Switch / PoP graphs. More details in
the documentation.