[ixpmanager] GIT for Dummies or Upgrading IXP Manager

Barry O'Donovan barry.odonovan at inex.ie
Tue Oct 1 07:14:46 IST 2013

On 30/09/13 22:25, Rob Lister wrote:
> So I'm a bit afraid of it... just thankful I have backups!
> I find git a bit confusing in places, as it never seems obvious to me what files
> I'm getting to where, and if it's just going to clobber things or ask first.

The great think about Git is that it shouldn't clobber anything and you 
should be able to checkout any previous tagged release.

Anyway, I'll write up more detailed instructions using forked repos.

Also, for your and Thorleif's reference, here are two great (and free) 
Git books:


and also http://git-scm.com/documentation

Git is definitely worth learning - not just for IXP Manager.

  - Barry

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