[ixpmanager] irrdb-cli.update-prefix-db IPv6 and AS-HURRICANE / AS-LAMBDANET

Nick Hilliard nick at inex.ie
Mon Oct 7 16:32:08 IST 2013

On 07/10/2013 13:03, Rob Lister wrote:
> I think what this needs is the ability to exclude certain members from
> the per-prefix filtering where they have too many prefixes for it to be
> practical, so, we just set max prefix rather than trying to filter every
> prefix...
> We couldn't get Hurricane to work either with the route servers.

that's a bit nonspecific - I'm not sure from your description where the
problem actually is.  OpenBGPD will probably barf with huge filter lists,
as will mainline quagga.  Both BIRD and euro-ix quagga should be able to
handle them without any major trouble.  For sure, both bgpq3 and irrtoolset
have no problems with massive filter lists, even if irrtoolset is abysmally

It would be better to disable prefix filtering for those clients rather
than putting in les hacques to work around brokenness on third party software,


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