[ixpmanager] A fundamental question. Who's actually writing/updating/supporting/enhancing the IXP Manager code?

Martin J. Levy mahtin at mahtin.com
Tue Oct 8 08:02:27 IST 2013

Hello all,

I'm going to ask a very pointed question. A fundamental question.

       Who's actually writing/updating/supporting/enhancing the IXP
Manager code?

Of course, I know the answer before asking (It's Nick & Barry). For
that work I'm very grateful and I know many others are also grateful.
However ...

I would like to make sure that IXP Manager succeeds and for that to
happen we should have more authors for the codebase and I believe that
means we collectively need to know how to add code to the codebase vs.
simply requesting features that just grows the Nick/Barry do-to list.
I for one (once I get my head around the codebase - which I'm doing)
would be happy to add code and hence hopefully useful features.



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