[ixpmanager] update-l2database.pl not updating database

Martin J. Levy mahtin at mahtin.com
Thu Sep 26 09:25:22 IST 2013


> Hardcoding the MACs will also require some additional backend scripting to program and update the L2 access lists on the switches - probably just a bit of RANCID scripting; although we could also look at SNMP set if it was something that was supported.

Isn't step one the reporting function? Having this data (and history?) available to the IXP administrators very useful?

There's already a firstseen/lastseen field; it just needs a change to the updatel2 script which presently deletes the table completely. The purging of mac addresses should only be done when a new customer is added to a port. The current mac would be the entry with the newest date.

Just thinking aloud.


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