[ixpmanager] RPKI Extension

Matthias Waehlisch m.waehlisch at fu-berlin.de
Tue Oct 14 13:06:54 IST 2014


  in collaboration with the BCIX we currently develop an RPKI extension 
for the IXP Manager. This extension checks if the announced origin AS of 
an IP prefix is valid.

  Currently, we analyze all prefixes that are included in the 
rs_prefixes table, and show the validation outcome per member AS in a 
separate view called "RPKI Validation" under the "Peering" menu. 
Alternatively, it could be combined with the "Route Server Prefix 
Analysis" view. Any opinions on this?

  As soon as everything is fully ready, we will initiate a pull request.    

  Btw, the backend is based on the RTRlib (https://github.com/rtrlib) as 
this allows for real-time monitoring, something that might be 
interesting in the future.

  One further question: The prefix/AS path analysis in the IXP Manager 
is solely based on the dump of the IXP's Route Server. However, it could 
also be interesting to show results from other vantage points. Are there 
any plans to include multiple route dumps into the IXP Manager?


Matthias Waehlisch
.  Freie Universitaet Berlin, Inst. fuer Informatik, AG CST
.  Takustr. 9, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
.. mailto:waehlisch at ieee.org .. http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~waehl
:. Also: http://inet.cpt.haw-hamburg.de .. http://www.link-lab.net

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