[ixpmanager] Birdseye integration

Kyle Spencer kyle at stormzero.com
Tue Sep 12 11:01:24 IST 2017

Trying to configure Birdseye on a dedicated BIRD VM with a single v4
instance of the daemon by following the instructions here:

Used composer to install, used lighttpd, created a single .env file
with a correct/tested birdrc variable.

However, IXP Manager does not seem to poll the route servers, and I do
not know how to verify whether or not Birdseye is working locally on
the BIRD VM. I enabled the looking glass feature in .env but going to
http://<BIRD IP>/lg shows a blank page.

Any clue how to debug or verify that Birdseye is working, at least
locally? Are there test URL strings I can put in my browser?


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