[ixpmanager] Customer User Problems

Kyle Spencer kyle at stormzero.com
Wed Sep 13 12:24:28 IST 2017

Note that issue #1 occurs even when using a Superuser account.

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Kyle Spencer <kyle at stormzero.com> wrote:
> I created a Customer Administrator, then used that account to create a
> Customer User with access to the portal (I love this self-management
> functionality). However, I've found a few problems:
> 1) Clicking "view" on any row in the "Member Details" screen throws an
> unexpected error (e.g.
> https://portal.uixp.co.ug/customer/detail/id/23). See attached log.
> 2) Clicking the "My Details" tab shows blank fields for NOC regardless
> of whether or not this data in the system. The billing fields on the
> same screen, however, get properly populated. This is confusing as
> users may attempt to re-enter the NOC data.
> 3) The NOC e-mail address entered in the "My Details" tab does not
> show anywhere in the Customer User interfaces (that I can see) though
> the NOC phone number gets displayed on the "Member Details" screen.
> Perhaps this data is meant to be available in the detailed "view"
> referenced in issue #1?
> 4) The visual interface is a little confusing. "Prefixes," "Peering
> Manager," and "Statistics" menu items are all displayed as tabs, but
> clicking on them takes you away from the tabbed interface. This is not
> a major problem, but can cause users to get lost.
> Regards,
> Kyle Spencer
> --
> Cell/WhatsApp/Signal: +256790884905

Cell/WhatsApp/Signal: +256790884905

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