[ixpmanager] composer

Marco d'Itri md at Linux.IT
Thu Feb 22 15:26:27 GMT 2018

On Feb 22, Diarmuid O Briain <diarmuid at obriain.com> wrote:

> Following the IXP Manager v4.x upgrade instructions and have the following
> issue. The "composer install" command is not responding ?? Am I supposed to
> install from apt-get ?
No, you are supposed to use the right path.
Here I have step by step instructions:

cd /srv/ixpmanager/
git fetch
./artisan down
git checkout v...

# fix the permissions once for good:
# chown -R www-data: bootstrap/cache var storage public/bower_components/
# chmod -R u+rwX bootstrap/cache var storage public/bower_components/

sudo -u www-data bash -c "cd /srv/ixpmanager/ && HOME=/srv/ixpmanager/storage/ ./composer.phar selfupdate"
sudo -u www-data bash -c "cd /srv/ixpmanager/ && HOME=/srv/ixpmanager/storage/ ./composer.phar install"
sudo -u www-data bash -c "cd /srv/ixpmanager/ && HOME=/srv/ixpmanager/storage/ bower prune"
sudo -u www-data bash -c "cd /srv/ixpmanager/ && HOME=/srv/ixpmanager/storage/ bower install"
systemctl restart memcached
./artisan cache:clear

# check
./artisan doctrine:schema:update
# check again
./artisan doctrine:schema:update --sql
# do it for real
./artisan doctrine:schema:update --force
# check once more
./artisan doctrine:schema:validate

./artisan up

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