[ixpmanager] euro-ix export v0.7 exposes MAC addresses

Andreas Polyrakis apolyr at noc.grnet.gr
Mon Nov 12 09:49:07 GMT 2018


According to 

"Note that the publicly accessible version does not include individual 
member details such as *name* (ASN is provided), max prefixes, *MAC 
addresses,* contact email and phone, when the member joined, member's 
web address, peering policy, NOC website, NOC hours or member type. This 
information is available to any logged in users or users querying the 
API with an API key <https://docs.ixpmanager.org/features/api/>."

However our public euro-ix export 
<https://portal.gr-ix.gr/api/v4/member-export/ixf/0.7> actually _/does/_ 
export MAC addresses. Is this intended (outdated documentation) or is it 
something that we need to investigate further?

Thank you in advance.


PS: Within the public export that there is also other information that I 
do not feel very comfortable sharing publicly. With that, I mostly refer 
to port speed. Is there a way to disable specific fields?

Andreas Polyrakis
GR-IX Manager // GRNET NOC Technical Manager
GRNET - Networking Research and Education
7, Kifisias Av., 115 23, Athens
t: +30 210 7474249 | c: +30 697 2832 445 | f: +30 210 7474490

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