[ixpmanager] setting up looking glass

Nick Hilliard nick at foobar.org
Fri Apr 5 20:02:41 IST 2019

Vladislav Leontjev wrote on 05/04/2019 17:46:
> Hello,
> No it doesn't:
> vvle at rs2-1804:~$ sudo cat /etc/bird.conf | grep timeformat
> vvle at rs2-1804:~$
> The full cfg: http://p.ip.fi/haFc
> As I understand they aren't included by default;

ok, can you add these lines then?

# standardise time formats:
timeformat base         iso long;
timeformat log          iso long;
timeformat protocol     iso long;
timeformat route        iso long;

What's happening is that "show protocols all" is returning the uptime of 
the bgp session in the incorrect format.  The config commands above 
should fix this.


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