[ixpmanager] 500 on password reset

Moritz Frenzel denog at hackathon.de
Fri Apr 10 20:17:26 IST 2020


I'm working on a fresh install of ixpmanager 5.4.1 and am facing
issues with the password reset and user creation process.

IXPManager sends a mail to the new user with the password reset link:

And then throws a 500 with a RuntimeException "username is not
defined." at /srv/ixpmanager/vendor/foil/foil/src/Extensions/Helpers.php:343

Stacktrace: https://pastebin.com/itt60Tjw
System: Debian 10, php7.3-fpm on nginx

Let me know if you need any further information.

Thanks in advance

- Moritz

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