[ixpmanager] Birdseye Looking Glass error version.

Ikusan Charles Abimbola c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng
Fri Apr 24 22:00:32 IST 2020

Hello Barry,

I made some adjustments as suggested, kindly see the output below.

1..	The script provided with the IXP Manager will name the socket using 
the router handle used in IXP Manager, that is, 

2.	The fact that bird.ctl exist indicates that the default Bird instance 
still runs. We need to uninstall the default bird running. You need to 
ensure the removal of default bird 9 e.g /etc/bird/bird(6).conf
systemctl stop bird.service
systemctl stop bird6.service
systemctl disable bird.service
systemctl disable bird6.service

3.	So, you have configured Birdseye to look for 
/var/run/bird/rs1-lan1-ipv4.cvitl but that doesn't exist because your 
is not running. Also ensure this matches the handle as explained above.


I have an existing birdv1 and birdseye running without the use of Domain 
names and it works currently.



------ Original Message ------
From: "Barry O'Donovan" <barry.odonovan at inex.ie>
To: "Ikusan Charles Abimbola" <c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>
Cc: "INEX IXP Manager Users Mailing List" <ixpmanager at inex.ie>; 
"noc at ixp.net.ng" <noc at ixp.net.ng>
Sent: 23-Apr-20 7:39:18 AM
Subject: Re: [ixpmanager] Birdseye Looking Glass error version.

>Hi Charles,
>from what you've provided below, this isn't really a Birdseye issue.
>There is also many examples of similar issues in this mailing list history - please Google: birdseye site:www.inex.ie
>First, you have:
>root at ixp-manager:/srv/ixpmanager# curl -v
>Typically you would have two Bird instances per machine (ipv4 and ipv6 per peering VLAN). For Birdseye to differentiate between which one you want, it requires you to use domain names - this is explained here:
>i.e. using above will not work.
>>*root at birdtest:/etc/bird# ls -la /var/run/bird*
>>*/total 0
>>drwxrwxr-x  2 bird bird  60 Apr 14 19:13 .
>>drwxr-xr-x 28 root root 940 Apr 23 01:47 ..
>>srw-rw----  1 bird bird   0 Apr 14 19:13 bird.ctl
>This indicates an additional issue with your route server configuration. The scripts we provide with IXP Manager will name the socket using the router handle you used in IXP Manager. i.e. this should be called:
>or similar. Again, it's the handle /you/ chose in IXP Manager - first input field here:
>The fact that bird.ctl exists indicates that the default Bird instance is running - the one you get when you 'apt install bird'. Depending on operating system, you need to ensure this doesn't run by removing the default configuration file (e.g. /etc/bird/bird[6].conf and stopping the service:
>systemctl stop bird.service
>systemctl stop bird6.service
>systemctl disable bird.service
>systemctl disable bird6.service
>NB: this is a guess as we install from source currently:
>Because this default version is running, it may prevent your IXP Manager versions from starting as there will already be a daemon listening on port *:179.
>>*root at birdtest:/srv/birdseye-1.2.0# cat /srv/birdseye-1.2.0/*env | egrep -v '(^#)|(^\s*$)'*
>>*BIRDC="/usr/bin/sudo /srv/birdseye/bin/birdc -2 -s /var/run/bird/rs1-lan1-ipv4.ctl"*
>So you have configured Birdseye to look for /var/run/bird/rs1-lan1-ipv4.ctl but that doesn't exist because your Bird is not running. Also ensure this matches the handle as explained above.
>  - Barry
>>*root at birdtest:/srv/birdseye-1.2.0# /usr/sbin/birdc -s /var/run/bird/bird.ctl show status*
>>*BIRD 2.0.7 ready.*
>>*BIRD 2.0.7*
>>*Router ID is*
>>*Current server time is 2020-04-23 03:50:20*
>>*Last reboot on 2020-04-14 19:13:44*
>>*Last reconfiguration on 2020-04-23 03:10:03*
>>*Daemon is up and running*
>>*root at birdtest:/srv/birdseye-1.2.0# netstat -lpn | grep lighttpd
>>tcp        0      0    *                LISTEN      22977/lighttpd
>>unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     3755379  22978/php-cgi        /var/run/lighttpd/php.socket-0*
>>------ Original Message ------
>>From: "Barry O'Donovan" <barry.odonovan at inex.ie>
>>To: "INEX IXP Manager Users Mailing List" <ixpmanager at inex.ie>; "Ikusan Charles" <c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>
>>Sent: 15-Apr-20 12:09:18 AM
>>Subject: Re: [ixpmanager] Birdseye Looking Glass error version.
>>>Nick Hilliard (INEX) wrote on 14/04/2020 23:49:
>>>>Ikusan Charles wrote on 14/04/2020 23:17:
>>>>>I followed your advice by using different vm for bird2 and ixpmanager but can't get the birdseye working.
>>>>>I will appreciate if anyone could assist.
>>>>Hi Charles,
>>>>Can you check out the paragraph entitled "The Best Way to Ask for Help" at https://www.ixpmanager.org/support?
>>>Also, I previously provided this link:
>>>which asks anyone with issues to:
>>>>email the IXP Manager mailing list with the output of all of the following commands from both sections.
>>>- Barry
>Kind regards,
>Barry O'Donovan
>INEX Operations
>+353 1 531 3339
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