[ixpmanager] Problem with SFlow

Nick Hilliard (INEX) nick at inex.ie
Tue Jun 9 16:43:08 IST 2020

Ikusan Charles Abimbola wrote on 20/05/2020 14:02:
> I have been following up with this thread for days which is related to 
> the issues I have with my sFlow.
> Since we have not been able to hear from Salvador, I have done what you 
> asked him for if you could also assist us to resolve the issue at hand.
> Underneath is the # perl sflow-to-rrd-handler --infraid 1 as requested.

It looks like the matrix_init() function is returning undef.  This can 
happen if the layer 2 database is empty. So if you log into IXP Manager, 
then click on "MAC Addresses" in the admin menu, does it show a list of 
entries for either Configured Addresses or Discovered Addresses?


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