[ixpmanager] EuroIX and PeeringDB exporters

Pim van Pelt pim at ipng.nl
Thu Jul 22 20:26:39 IST 2021

Hoi folks,

I was wondering if other folks in the community have advice for me. On my
internet exchange, when setting new physical member ports, they typically
start out as 'Awaiting X-Connect', until they move to 'Quarantine' and then
to 'Connected'. I noticed that in the IX-F exporter, every state not
'Connected' means there is no entry at all for that member port. Often, new
members will put their own assignment on their peeringdb page, often
leaving the 'operational' checkbox unticked, to signal that they are in

However, the PeeringDB importer [0] does not align with these semantics. It
will assume a member is in turnup if-and-only-if their port is marked
'inactive' in the IX-F feed. As a result, it triggers import warnings about
members who have their port misconfigured.

Is it desirable to match the semantics in IXPManager (which I think means:
all ports not in 'connected' state get exported in the IX-F feed but with
state: inactive),
Is it preferable to change the semantics in PeeringDB (which I think might
mean: do not trigger a warning if the member has a 'not operational' port
set up, if it is missing in IX-F feed)
Is there another way for us to solve this issue with a mismatch on turning
up members on the exchange ?

I thought I'd gather some info from other operators before I attempt to
file a github request (and/or send a PR for either IXPManager or PeeringDB,
both, or neither) :-)


[0] https://docs.peeringdb.com/ix-f-json-import-rules/

Pim van Pelt <pim at ipng.nl>
PBVP1-RIPE - http://www.ipng.nl/
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