[ixpmanager] IRRDB error handling

Nick Hilliard nick at foobar.org
Tue Mar 16 17:48:58 GMT 2021

Pete Ashdown wrote on 16/03/2021 16:46:
> Thank you. How do I go about properly installing the patch that this 
> thread started with?

mmm, this is pretty difficult right now because we're in the middle of 
upgrading the various head branches (HEAD, release-v5, master) with 
~9-12 months of framework updates, which means that there's a lot going 
on which you don't want to install right now.

Probably the easiest thing is to manually apply it, and then when the 
next version of IXP Manager is released (hopefully shortly), you can 
just run "git checkout app/Tasks/Irrdb/UpdateAsnDb.php" and proceed with 
the upgrade.  Would that work for you?

> I made a snapshot before I attempted the 5.1.0 upgrade, so I was able to 
> cleanly revert.  Thank you though.

ok cool!  Sorry for not being clearer about the upgrade process.


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