[ixpmanager] IXPManager - Docker

Marco d'Itri md at Linux.IT
Tue Dec 6 15:45:29 GMT 2022

On Dec 06, Marinos Dimolianis via ixpmanager <ixpmanager at inex.ie> wrote:

> We may go towards that way and see if we find any obstacles (and how big are
> they going to be).
With my system administrator hat on I would say that it would be mostly 
pointless to use docker-like containers for software like IXP Manager, 
because it is not stateless (i.e. it needs local storage in the 
You could move mysql, Postfix and mrtg to different containers, but what 
would be the point?
IXP manager is well designed to be installed in a normal OS.

I use systemd-nspawn to manage my IXP Manager installation, and 
technically this is a container, but I manage it as yet another server 
so in practice it is more like a lightweight virtualization mechanism.


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