[ixpmanager] port utilisation and mariadb

Peter peter at tespok.co.ke
Sun Jan 23 09:40:32 GMT 2022

Hi All,

KIXP has V6.2.0 running on Debian with MariaDB which gives the following error for Port Utilisation statistics;

Server Error :: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1305 FUNCTION ixpmanager.ANY_VALUE does not exist (SQL: select c.id AS cid, c.abbreviatedName AS cname, ANY_VALUE( s.name ) as switch, vi.id AS viid, SUM( tdpi.month_max_in ) AS max_in, SUM( tdpi.month_max_out ) AS max_out, COUNT( pi.id ) AS num_ports_in_lag, SUM( COALESCE( pi.rate_limit, pi.speed ) ) AS vi_speed, ROUND( GREATEST( (MAX( tdpi.month_max_in )/1000000/MAX( COALESCE( pi.rate_limit, pi.speed ) ))*100, (MAX( tdpi.month_max_out )/1000000/MAX( COALESCE( pi.rate_limit, pi.speed ) ))*100 ), 2) AS util from `traffic_daily_phys_ints` as `tdpi` left join `physicalinterface` as `pi` on `pi`.`id` = `tdpi`.`physicalinterface_id` left join `virtualinterface` as `vi` on `vi`.`id` = `pi`.`virtualinterfaceid` left join `cust` as `c` on `c`.`id` = `vi`.`custid` left join `switchport` as `sp` on `sp`.`id` = `pi`.`switchportid` left join `switch` as `s` on `s`.`id` = `sp`.`switchid` where `tdpi`.`day` = 2022-01-22 and `tdpi`.`category` = bits group by `vi`.`id`)

Some digging around gives;




Resolved by changing $IXPROOT/app/Models/Aggregators/TrafficDailyPhysIntAggregator.php

<             "c.id AS cid, c.abbreviatedName AS cname, ANY_VALUE( s.name ) as switch,
>             "c.id AS cid, c.abbreviatedName AS cname, s.name as switch,

Stats are now available but is it the correct solution and would it work for MySQL which supports the function anyway?

Peter Gitau

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