[ixpmanager] MC - LAG at IXP Manager

Marinos Dimolianis mdimolianis at noc.grnet.gr
Tue May 24 11:32:52 IST 2022

Hello Nick,

I am coming back for the MC-LAG feature, since it is of paramount 
interest for us.

I have created in the IXPManager (v6.2.0) a single connection with a lag 
interface comprised of two physical ports in different switches.

IXPM allows me to define and store such a connection, however I get a 
warning message that this is not supported by the IXPM.

So my question is related to what exactly is not supported by the IXPM?

What kind of problems would that create?

Best Regards,


On 3/6/2021 5:46 μ.μ., Nick Hilliard wrote:
> Marinos Dimolianis wrote on 03/06/2021 10:49:
>> We are trying (in GRIX) to define in the IXP Manager (V5.7.0) an MC - 
>> LAG connection but there is no available option.
> mclag isn't compatible with IXP Manager's data model (or indeed 
> downstream stuff like ix-f export).  The reason for this is that it 
> would have changed the n:1 relationship between ports and switches to 
> an n:m relationship, which would have caused really significant 
> complications for the data model.
> Nick

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