
News > IXP Manager – PHP Developer wanted

IXP Manager – PHP Developer wanted

Press Releases

The call for sponsors of the next round of developments of IXP Manager has received great support with Internet Society, Netflix and SwissIX coming on board as Platinum sponsors and the Norwegian Internet Exchange giving its support as a Bronze sponsor. There are final sponsor positions still available and if your organisation is interested in supporting the ongoing development of the platform, please get in contact.

IXP Manager, originally developed at INEX nearly 10 years ago, is a full stack management system for Internet eXchange Points (IXPs) which includes an administration and customer portal; provides end to end provisioning; and both teaches and implements best practice. IXP Manager was released as free software under the GNU General Public License and is now known to be in use at over 30 IXPs around the world.

As part of the plan for its future development, the team behind IXP Manager are now recruiting for a PHP Developer. The full job spec is located here

Skills / Knowledge Requirements

  • Exceptional knowledge of the PHP programming language (up to 7.0);
  • Deep understanding of OOP design;
  • Proven experience developing large web applications;
  • Good understanding of web application security.
  • Experience with application frameworks. Bonus points for Laravel and Zend Framework 1.
  • Experience with ORMs. Bonus points for Doctrine ORM 2.
  • Some frontend experience also strongly desired. HTML5 / CSS / JavaScript with libraries such as Bootstrap and jQuery.

Bonus points for the following:

  • knowledge of layer 2 networking and / or layer 3 (IPv4/6) networking
  • third level qualification in computer science / mathematics / physics