[ixpmanager] MANRS IXP & CDN programme

Moritz Frenzel denog at hackathon.de
Tue Jun 9 08:55:56 IST 2020

Dear all,

I've recently investigated why our Route Servers ASN isn't showing a
MANRS badge in the members list. IXP Manager useses[1] MANRS API[2]
which at the time only showed ASNs of the ISP programme[3]. I've
reached out to MANRs and was just informed that they've added members
of all programmes to the API.

Therefore CDNs and IXP ASNs listed in MANRs will now also receive the
green MANRs badge in the Members list (without any need to upgrade IXP



[1] https://github.com/inex/IXP-Manager/blob/master/app/Console/Commands/InManrs.php#L63
[2] https://www.manrs.org/wp-json/manrs/v1/asn
[3] https://www.manrs.org/isps/

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